Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What I Did During CNY (Part 2)

Hello once again fellow readers, due to my busy, busy schedule this year I have not have time to blog about what i did during the Chinese New Year, but now finally it's the holidays and time allows me to enlighten you on what this wonderful festival is all about, through the eyes of a teenager!


...so it was around 2am. Everyone else was beefed out and asleep...

we were just about to do the same. So we went to the hall to get our stuff when we were shocked to see...

what resembled Di Zhu Gong (an earth spirit according to Chinese belief) behind a plant!

do spirits really lurk among us? what we saw that night truely changed our perception of things..

Of course our natural reaction was to just ignore it, get our stuff and go into the room, but after some thinking our curiosity got the better of us, and we decided to head out again to see whether we could get an actual shot of this "spirit".


we went lights out and got this calming shot of the altar

not so surprisingly, we waited and waited for more than 30 min's but no avail, just the silence of the night. We didn't feel much disappointment with the fact that we didn't "catch" any ghosts, as we just couldn't wait to catch some Zzz...

and that's only part of what i did during Chinese new year, be sure to stay tuned for more!

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