Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Dos & Donts Of Chinese New Year

As we all know chinese are superstitious people, including myself of course. So lets have a look at some of the Dos and Donts of Chinese New Year.


* Wear Red clothing....

Red clothing is preferred during this festive occasion. Red is considered a bright, happy color, sure to bring the wearer a sunny and bright future. It is also said keep away unholy spirits.

* Pay all debts.....

Nothing should be lent during the new year season, as anyone who does is said to be lending all year long. Back when tinder and flint were used, no one would lend them on this day or give a light to others, in fear of a having a troubled year ahead.


*Use foul language and unlucky words.....

Negative terms and the word "four" (Shi), which sounds like the word for death in several Chinese dialects, are not to be uttered. Death and dying are never mentioned and ghost stories are totally taboo. References to the past year are also avoided as everything should be turned toward the New Year and a new beginning.

*Sweep the floor for the first few days of the new year......

In Chinese households, the floor is swept clean long before the Chinese New Year. Sweeping the floor on new year's day itself is a no-no as it represents "sweeping away" the good fortune.

Yep, i'm now armed and ready for the new year, off i go.........

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