Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Travelling Tips : Stains

Everyone travels..
And OOPS..
you accidentally stain your attire..
it's a bit embarrassing..
but no prob!

After you've read this post..
you can solve it in a jiffy..

Here's how you can get rid of those nasty stains!

1. Treat the stain immediately.. With water.. Do not hesitate, ignore or panic...
2. Do not rub it excessively.. It will sink in..
3. For wet stains.. Absorb the excess moisture by dabbing it with a dry cloth or tissue..

Blood Stains
1. Add 2 tablespoons of salt and rub it with water..
2. If the stain remains.. add a little diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide..

Ink Stains
1. Dab it with water..
2. Spray hairspray or nail polish onto the back of the stain..
Wash it..

Chewing Gum
1. Harden the gum by freezing it in the refrigerator..
2. Peel it off..
3. Wash it..

Grass or Chlorophyll
1. Use alcohol based solution..

These are the normal stains you'll meet during travelling..
So now.. you can solve them at the spot..
Enjoy yourselves then..

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