Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cool N97 promo video

Hey guys, it's been a long time since i've updated this space, yea college life has been busy busy.. but i'm enjoying every single moment of it. :)

The N97, some say the hottest and most promising device Nokia has launched since the mighty N95 a few years back is nearing it's launch, and now we're starting to see all these cool promo videos popping up like Daisies. This is perhaps the coolest one I've seen so far and stays true to what Nokia is marketing this device as - an internet focused multimedia behemoth!

Damn the N97 looks cool, it's a pity the processor might be a bit weak the it's disappointing that Nokia didn't slap on the N86's wide angle lens and 8mp sensor, but heck I'm sure this device will sell no problem

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