Friday, September 12, 2008

Samir is back in business - and he brings new goodies!



Samir -famous for his application RotateMe which were among the first to utilise he N95's accelerometer- is back. Previously held back by some personal life problems, it seems as though he has got it sorted out and can now divert his attention back to programming. In this new come-back spirit, he has launched a new site AikonLab ("Nokia" spelled backwords) which will take the role as his new platform for development and releases, previously hosted by In addition Samir has promissed the release of a new application called HandWave tomorrow (13 September) which will bring a touchless interface to S60 3rd edition devices with a front camera, i.e. the N73, N80, N82, n95, n96. No doubt this will be another application that will stay nice and cosy in most of our phones and in will be one of those must-have apps all Nokia forums and discussions.

Go on, click on the link provided and visit Samir's new website!

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