Wednesday, December 17, 2008

N95 Classic V31 Firmware Released (Change log Included)


The N95 Classic (N95-1) continues to prove itself worthy as Nokia releases another firmware update for this legendary device. There have been many great updates for the N95 that brought it up from a crappy, memory lacking device to one of the greatest Nseires devices released, but this firmware doesn't provide much new changes. In fact this firmware comes with strings attached - it's NOT HACKABLE.

Similar to the latest N95 8GB, N82 and FP2 devices, Nokia has effectively plugged the hole on Symbian platfrom security issues,  which previously allowed users to "hack" their phones and gain access to sensitive system files. Hacking allowed many of us to install a wider range of cracked applications, as well as tweak system files and customise our devices in ways one could never imagine. Sure, this is great fun for us, but practically  nightmare for Nokia and developers.

It's probably a little late that I'm posting about this update now, but I wanted to wait for a change log to be released, just so you can judge yourself whether it's worth the update. As usual there are bug fixes and tiny tweaks here and there, but for me all these aren't enough to move me into a none-hackable firmware.


Change log for N95-1 V31.0.014 (User Observations)

1. the most important (for me): Random hang and reset caused by D5000 ASIC COMBO memory problem solved
2. Phone runs quicker, more memory available (might just be due to the fresh install)
3. Better photo quality
4. Bold fonts in the menu
5. Icons don't flash at phone startup
6. WLAN connectivity problems solved, better signal sensing
7. Quicker GPS connection creating
8. Browser stability improved (also, it works much faster)
9. FULL N-Gage app. 3 new games for free tryout
10. No more connenction interrupted message on cable disconnect in data storage mode
11. Seems to me that the speakers are louder than with v30
12. Better battery life

...So long "Open To Anything" Nokia phones....

Personally i have not and do not plan to update yet. I'll be sitting at the side line patiently to see how it all plays out, whether the crackers can find a loophole in this firmware. but till then i'm happy with v30.


EDIT: Nokia has just removed this firmware last week. LOL... i think they realised these petty tweaks aren't enough to tempt users into updating a none-hackable firmware! I'm curious to see what's to come. Perhaps a nice little christmas surprise for us all. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They've removed the 31.0.014 but now they have placed in 31.0.017. Some bugfixes to the language settings.