Sunday, October 5, 2008

DontTouch and AlertMe released (nAlertMe clones)

imageSamir Oueldi, a highly acclaimed Symbian developer stole the limelight last month, when he announced his new website aikonlab dedicated to the development and testing of revolutionary symbian s60 applications. Along with the release of his website, Samir posted 2 videos of his new concepts, boldly publishing a release date at the end of the videos. Supposedly released at 13th september, his applications Handwave and nAlertMe instantly became subject of symbian and Nokia discussions throughout the world, and excited pretty much every Nseries user out there. 2 days after that, the added subject of "opening in a few hours" on Samir's new website got users even more excited, and practically checking his website very hour.

...but after 3 grueling long weeks, i think the world is tired of waiting for Samir. Perhaps Handwave was just a cheap gimmick done using a bluetooth keyboard, to survey the acceptance of such an application, perhaps Samir still hasn't gotten over his divorce, perhaps Samir just needs more time to code the programs? We will never know. But one thing is certain, users out there have gotten so sick and tired of Samir's delays that they have literally taken matters into their own hands and started coding applications that mimic Samir's concept.

I'm proud to announce AlertMe by Ahmed Yildrim(a.k.a. Mclightning) and DontTouch by zoellner86. Both applications are theft alarms that utilise the built in accelerometer of the N95 and N82, much like Samir's concept. Basically the phone records a set position by taking in data from the accelerometer. When the phone is moved, or disturbed by even the slightest movement, the accelerometer will detect the change and immediately trigger an alarm. The thing i absolutely love about both apps is the ability to run these applications in the background with the keypad locked. Not only does this give you more time in an event of a phone theft, it also "child-proofs" your phone from unwanted itchy fingers. Well enough chit-chat, here are the applications, and what the developers had to say:

image 1.AlertMe by Ahmed Yildrim (Mclightning)

Mclightning: As u can know we wait so long time for nAlertMe and i get bored of this. i created an app. like nAlertMe 3 days ago and i wrote a topic to get help about making sis file from py files.then today i solved how to make sis from python files and thanks JimmPoo and pocketsly for helps.

How To use:

  • First of all you need to save the position of the phone from the "Save Pos." menu

  • Then when you press start button it will start the protection
    if phone moves it will start to alarming

  • You can change the sensitivity from the menu by writing a number between 0 and 10.but Please dont write numbers lower than 5.write 10 for low sensitivity. 5 is default

My personal opinion: This came before DontTouch, so it is a little unstable, most iimagemportantly AlertMe is overly sensitive.

2.DontTouch by zoellner86

Zoellner86: 4 People who can never wait for Samir's nAlertMe,..
This is my try to make a "clone".
U can feel free 2 use it.
Ahmet YILDIRIM (AlertMe) was quicker than me, but i think my one is ok too.
u need MegaPyModulePack and PyS60
have fun.

How To Use?

  • Set sensitivity by clicking "Sens"
  • Press start and place phone in desired position
  • Countdown will start and initiate the alarm


My personal opinion: This was just released today and is a much more stable version. I'm also digging this background image. I highly recommend you try this one.

Additional installation notes:

  • Before you install anything, remove RDaccelerometer and axyz (if you have them) from the app manager
  • Install Megapymodule pack 1.4.1. This is very important!! If you have v1.4.2 installed, uninstall that version and install this one instead.
  • After those preperations, you can now install either AlertMe or DontTouch to phone memory.

Download Links

**Update: AlertMe v2.0 (Improved source code, collaboration of the two developers, password protection added. Default password is "0")

AlertMe v1.5

DontTouch v1.0

MMpack 1.4.1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DontTouch v1.9 Final is out