Here's a very lovely article from
Do visit the site if you liked this article, it has certainly made my days much more pleasant after reading this following some of the things listed here.
Just gives me that extra confidence boost in the morning to face the challenges of everyday life!
Face it, you hate waking up. You love your bed.
It’s time to change that, though. Here are 11 ways to make the morning your friend just as much as your comfy covers.
1. Listen to your favorite song as your alarm clock.
Wake up to a pleasing sound (even if your favorite song is BANANAS, but I hope not) and your day will start off on the right foot for sure. No more annoying beeps and buzzes that make you loath the morning. Use a program like Karen’s alarm clock for PC or Aurora for Mac that take a song from anywhere on your computer or from a CD.
2. Have something to look forward to.
Either the night before, or earlier, come up with something you can look forward to the next day. No matter how simple it is, from a smile to pay day (for me, my beautiful girlfriend), make sure there’s something that makes you happy every day.
3. Lay your clothes out the night before.
What you decided to wear in the morning is like making the decision of how high your expectations are for the day. Don’t do it when you’re tired and groggy, do it the night before. Lay out clothes that will make you happy during the day or give you a confidence boost. After all, you spend 12 hours a day in your clothes. Wouldn’t it feel nice to have them compliment you all day long?
4. Go to bed earlier the night before.
Waking up, rolling over and turning off the alarm clock feels so nice when you’re tired. So get to bed earlier! When you wake up feeling refreshed you’ll be happier and ready to seize the day.
5. Have a happy visual in plain site when you wake up.
Whatever your favorite thing is, have it there when you wake up. A picture of your dog, your dream car, rain in the evening, your significant other, or anything that makes you smile. You can change this every once in awhile to wake up to something that makes you happy every day.
6. Drink lots of water.
A healthy body makes a happy mind. Drinking plenty of water makes sure you’re well hydrated and fluids are running well in your body. If you feel good when you wake up you’ll be happier. Plus, if you’re one of the many that find it difficult to get out of bed, drinking a glass of water before bed makes sure you want to get up.
7. Don’t eat before bed.
Even if you have the late night munchies, try to leave snacks alone. Your body isn’t doing any work as you sleep so the fat will just get stored and make you feel worse the next day. Instead, eat lighter and earlier and you will feel more energetic and happier in the morning.
8. Clear your mind before you go to bed.
Stop thinking about the worries of the day. Turn off the television. Unplug. Relax. It feels so much better when you can just lay in bed and sleep without worry. Let the world pass you by for the night and you can wake up feeling renewed.
9. Don’t stress.
Plan out your morning the night before so you won’t get stuck in traffic or rushing out the door with your shirt untucked and a powerbar half eaten. Make sure you know what you have to do the next morning so that it goes by easily and simply. You will be much happier when you can relax and go through your morning at your own pace.
10. Don’t drink a lot of caffeine.
I used to drink a huge energy drink or two every morning and then another one during the day because I hate coffee but needed the energy. I wouldn’t be able to function without it. Or so I thought. Slowly I weened myself of the constant need of caffeine and started replacing it with water. I realized that my body was already starting to positively react to the water after only a week of cutting down to one energy drink a day. Now I drink only one or two a week when I absolutely need to and feel a thousand times better. When I wake up I can stay awake and still feel great even after I’ve broken the addiction. So I encourage you to do the same, whether it’s energy drinks, coffee, or tea, the caffeine can be helpful, but don’t rely on it.
11. Let the sunlight in.
Sunlight gives you energy and invigorates you for the day. If you wake up to a dark room you’re more likely to want to sleep more. So, open your window at night so that when you wake up to sunlight you can hop out of bed with a smile on your face.
Now go own the world.
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