Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Search Bar takes up too much space in N95-1 APAC

 image The new firmware for APAC N95s fixed a whole lot of things, but it also crated some new problems. Namely, the Search function incorperated in the active standby takes up two rows of space as opposed to a single line in European N95 devices. This makes the screen look cluttered and messy.


My friends over at said i could either change my product code to a european one or, try changing the fonts instead. Well, i took the seemingly easier route, changing fonts.

After trying for 1 hour, it was apparent that changing fonts was not as easy as i had thought. But after doing some research and tweaking again, i was able to figure it out!

Here's how my phone looks now:


Neat huh? I'll be posting my own simplified method of changing fonts on your s60v3 device soon so keep an eye out for it!

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